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Banisteriopsis Caapi | Red Brazil - Ayahuasca Herbs

Banisteriopsis Caapi Red from Brazil contains a high level of MAO-inhibitors, and has a purgative effect. It is used to make medical and the visionary brews Ayahuasca in the Amazons.

Disponibilité: En stock

13,95 €
Multi Banco
Description du produit


Banisteriopsis caapi Red Brazil 50 grams


Crush the vine with a hammer or pounder until the plant unbinds to soft, fibrous threads. The doses to take varies from 25-150 grams, depending on the user, the quality of the plant, and the intention of the user.



Banisteriopsis Caapi is used to make ayahuasca - a brew consumed by shamans to get in touch with the spirits. The Ayahuasca (=”vine of the soul”) is considered a “plant teacher” due to its capacities to teach men things that were unknown before. Banisteriopsis Caapi allows the other active part of the ayahuasca (DMT) to become orally active. The B. Caapi contains MAO-inhibitors and many alkaloids. Consuming the ayahuasca brew works hypnotic and hallucinogenic. More information on Ayahuasca and its use through history can be found here: [link: https://www.erowid.org/chemicals/ayahuasca/ayahuasca_culture3.shtml]

Indigenous peoples distinguish up to 40 different types of the B. Caapi. One of the most famous types is “Ourinhos”, which means ‘small pieces of gold’ in Brazilian Portuguese. The B. Caapi is also used as a medicine. It is known to have healing properties as a purgative, by stimulating the digestive track and extinguishing parasites.

Warning! This products is illegal in France and Australia. Be very careful to combine the B. Caapi with medication. Make sure to consult your doctor or pharmacist first.

  •     Do not use when pregnant.
  •     Do not operate heavy machinery.
  •     Do not participate in traffic.
  •     Do not use when you and/or your family has a history of mental illness.
  •     Do not use when you and/or your family has a history of heart conditions.
Informations complémentaires
Informations complémentaires
Poids (KG) 0.0500
Parties 1 - 5
Forme Shredded
Contenu 50g
Ingrédients Non
Origine Non
Espèce Non

Commentaires des clients

2 article(s)

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Great quality Commentaire par Day Tripper
Great quality and the effect depends on the time you put in cooking it. 3 hs best but also 1 hour will do the job if done properly with acidic substance and not burning it ever. (Posté le 07/08/2024)
Great Yeild Commentaire par Mr_Happs
This shredded vine was a great source for extracting MAOI alkaloids - Perfect for anyone interested in making a Changa blend ☆゚.*・。゚ (Posté le 21/03/2018)

2 article(s)

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