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Why Grow Your Own Magic Mushrooms

Posted under: Latest News, News and Science

Growing your own psychedelic mushrooms can be a transformative and enlightening experience. By taking control of the cultivation process, you can better ensure the quality, purity, and potency of the mushrooms you consume. Plus, it lets you form a unique connection with your fungi friends, right from the very beginning. 

Here are some of the top reasons to grow your own magic mushrooms. 






Quality Control




When you grow your own psychedelic mushrooms, you have control over the entire cultivation process. This means you can ensure the quality of the mushrooms you are going to consume, adopting the techniques that are most useful for you ─ you can select the most suitable strain, use organic growing methods, and avoid harmful contaminants.


By understanding and controlling every step, you can have greater peace of mind knowing the origin and composition of the mushrooms you ingest.





Psychedelic mushrooms can become quite expensive to purchase, especially in regions where they are not readily available. Growing your own mushrooms proves to be a cost-effective alternative in the long run. Once you have set up the initial infrastructure, the ongoing costs are minimal, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of psychedelic experiences without breaking the bank.


Connection to Nature




Growing magic mushrooms offers an opportunity to forge a deeper connection with nature. As you immerse yourself in the cultivation process, you witness the intricate symbiotic relationship between mushrooms and their natural habitat. This connection fosters a sense of appreciation for the wonders of the natural world, cultivating mindfulness and gratitude for the Earth's ecosystems.






One of the most profound reasons to grow your own psychedelic mushrooms is the sense of personal empowerment it brings. Cultivating mushrooms allows you to take control of the entire process, from selecting the strain to nurturing the mycelium and finally harvesting the fruits of your labor. This hands-on approach instills a deep sense of connection and ownership over the entire process, making it a truly transformative experience.






Magic mushrooms have been recognized for their therapeutic potential in academic studies and healing ceremonies around the world. Growing your own mushrooms provides a direct avenue for self-exploration and potential therapeutic benefits.


Many individuals report profound introspection, increased empathy, and enhanced spiritual experiences through responsible psychedelic use. By growing your own mushrooms, you gain access to a natural tool for personal growth, mental well-being, and potentially overcoming certain psychological challenges.


Community & Sharing



Engaging in the world of magic mushroom cultivation opens doors to a vibrant and supportive community. Online forums, social media groups, and local gatherings offer opportunities to connect with fellow growers, enthusiasts, and experienced psychonauts.


Sharing knowledge, experiences, and insights within this community not only enhances your cultivation skills but also provides a sense of belonging and support on your psychedelic journey.


Tips for Successful Cultivation



  • Start with a Grow Kit: For beginners, using a pre-packaged grow kit can simplify the process and increase your chances of success. We have a few types of kits ideal for you to get started: GetMagic Kits, Mondo Kits and FreshMushrooms


  • Sterility is Key: Maintain a sterile environment throughout the cultivation process to prevent contamination and maximize yields. Use a clean workspace, sterilize equipment, and practice proper hygiene to minimize the risk of unwanted contaminants interfering with the growth of your mushrooms


  • Research & Education: Invest time in learning about the different strains, cultivation and growing techniques, and necessary equipment. Understanding the lifecycle of mushrooms and their specific growth requirements will greatly enhance your chances of success


  • Temperature & Humidity Control: Maintain optimal environmental conditions to ensure healthy mushroom growth


  • Patience & Observation: Mushrooms require time to grow, so exercise patience and carefully monitor their progress


  • Harvesting & Drying: Harvest the mushrooms at the right time and properly dry them to preserve potency and extend their shelf life


Magic mushrooms are safe and relatively easy to grow. There’s no better way to get involved in the world of psychedelics than to begin cultivating your own! 



Note: If you’re suffering from a mental illness and are curious about using psilocybin or any other psychedelic therapy, please consult one of the relevant medical authorities first. Do not self-prescribe, it’s vital to have the right support and guidance when using psychedelics as medicine.