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Magic truffles Tampanensis

Besser unter dem Namen Philosophers' Stones bekannt führen diese Trüffel in geringerer Dosierung (5-10 Gramm) einen fröhlichen und lustigen Trip herbei. Höhere Dosierungen (15 Gramm) erklären den Spitznamen dieser Spezies. Der Trip schürft dann tiefer, wird spiritueller und Farben werden intensiver wahrgenommen.

Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar

12,00 €
  • ab 4 zu je 11,00 € und Sie sparen 9%
  • ab 10 zu je 9,00 € und Sie sparen 25%
Multi Banco

Im Jahr 1977 entdeckte Steve Pollock diese extrem seltene, trüffelausbildende Spezies, die seither nie wieder in freier Wildbahn vorgefunden wurde. Die hier angebotenen (und alle weiteren) Tampanensis-Trüffel (Sklerotien) und Sporen stammen von diesem einen Exemplar ab.

P. Tampanensis, auch bekannt als Philosophers' Stones, bilden unter bestimmten Umständen Sklerotien auf dem Myzelium heraus. Da Trüffel keine Pilze sind, können sie in vielen Ländern legal verkauft werden. Ungeachtet der Tatsache, dass Trüffel als Zauberpilze-Substitute gehandelt werden, nehmen erfahrene Psychonauten durchaus die Unterschiede wahr.

Die sinneserweiternde Wirkung der Trüffel hält einige Stunden an. Respektieren Sie die Trüffel, um von ihnen respektiert zu werden. Lesen Sie immer die ‚Do's and Don'ts’ auf unserer Umgang Seite und erhalten Sie eine Fülle wertvoller Informationen.

Das Mindestalter beträgt 18 Jahre, jedoch empfehlen wir ein Alter von 21 Jahren.

Wie wende ich Trüffel an

Brechen Sie das Vakuumsiegel erst kurz vor dem Verzehr auf. Trüffel sollten nicht getrocknet, gekocht oder eingefroren werden. Verzehren Sie die Trüffel roh.

Wie lagere ich meine Trüffel

TapanensisTrüffel sind in vakuumverpackten Mengen von 15 Gramm erhältlich. Durch diese Verpackungsart wird eine längere Haltbarkeit der Trüffel ermöglicht. Lagern Sie die Ware im Kühlschrank (2-8°C), sobald Sie diese in Empfang genommen haben. Sie können ihre Trüffel so bis zum Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum siehe Verpackung lagern.


Bei Trüffeln oder Sklerotien handelt es sich um ein lebendes Produkt. Es ist möglich, dass sich Luft (v.a. CO²) im Inneren des Päckchens befindet. Dies führt dazu, dass die Sklerotien weiter wachsen und sich weiße Haare auf der Außenseite der Trüffel bilden. Hierbei handelt es sich um Myzel und zeigt, dass sie Trüffel gesund sind. Es ist essbar und hat keinen Einfluss auf den Trip.

Artikelnummer SMS.EBTRF.003-TAMP-15
Gewicht (KG) 0.1000
Portionen 1 - 3
Spezie Psilocybe tampanensis
Herkunft Vereinigte Staaten
Inhalt 15g
Stärke Überdurchschnittlich


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Very professional. Kundenmeinung von Tommy Artwork
These guys are excellent. They really deliver and are highly efficient. The product is good. You must keep them cooled if the pack unsealed. (Veröffentlicht am 22.04.2024)
very pleasant Kundenmeinung von jeanhugo
tampensis and mexican are my two favourites from this shop. quality, delivery and service are outright excellent here, I'll be staying with this shop after trying multiple other sites.
Some instructions for drying process would be great on this site! Thanks again and in advance ;-)

[MMS edit: thank you jeanhugo and welcome aboard! Please check our blog for information regarding the topics you requested!] (Veröffentlicht am 11.04.2024)
Truffles Kundenmeinung von JP
I have to say as someone that doesn't partake in any other substances, The Magic Mushroom Shop truffles are a good send. Great products and results. I'll be a long time customer of this company because they're professional, efficient and always come through without and hassle at all. A pleasure to shop from them. Fully recommend. A great company. Customer for life. (Veröffentlicht am 08.02.2024)
Nice experience Kundenmeinung von Ricardo
Smooth effect, good for a conversarion.
Will ask again (Veröffentlicht am 13.01.2024)
Great Quality and Deep XP Kundenmeinung von Kris
tampensis and mexican are my two favourites from this shop. quality, delivery and service are outright excellent here, I'll be staying with this shop after trying multiple other sites.
Some instructions for drying process would be great on this site! Thanks again and in advance ;-) (Veröffentlicht am 08.12.2023)
Perfect for Microdosing Kundenmeinung von Maarten
We ordered both a growkit and these truffles and decided to use the truffles for microdosing. Really happy with these truffles and the great service of the shop! (Veröffentlicht am 22.11.2023)
Angenehme Wirkung, nur zu schwach Kundenmeinung von Loredana
Wir werden zukünftig die stärkeren Sorten bevorzugen.
Danke für den tollen Service. (Veröffentlicht am 31.10.2023)
Nice experience of mental openness Kundenmeinung von Paolo
I'm still increasing step by step the dose. I'm a newbie.
Very nice experience of clarity view
(Veröffentlicht am 18.02.2023)
First trip Kundenmeinung von Fábio
After a friend of my wife told her about this site, and after talking about trying shrooms for a while, we finally found the courage to do it. We split the bag and the trip was amazing. Music became shapes and shapes became colors. I became detached from my thoughts and could see them foe what they were.
Amazing experience and we'll definitely do it again. (Veröffentlicht am 05.01.2023)
i'll order again Kundenmeinung von sandra
good product,
can be recomended as expected effects (Veröffentlicht am 29.12.2022)
Amazing experience Kundenmeinung von MATHIEU
I came back to the mushrooms after 8 years since my last experience. I wasn't feeling confident with grow kits which I used to use in the past so I ordered these truffles for a "smooth" trip... I took a whole 15g as I wanted the experience to be significant... and OH. MY. GOD. What a trip. Matter was melting, reality was slipping away, music and light were all over the room, wrapping me, until the spiritual effect broke through. At this point I thought the trip was already amazing, but it was nothing compared to what happened to my thoughts. Layers and layers of my reality, my social constructs, my beliefs, my fears, disappearing one by one like a peeled onion. I felt reborn again, 8 years later. Oh how I missed this SO MUCH.
No need to say, I HIGHLY recommend these truffles, although my set and setting were perfect and I think it's really needed as the trip was really, really strong. (Veröffentlicht am 18.12.2022)
Great value for the price Kundenmeinung von Javier
I use to buy 2 bags and dry them all at once to have a good reserve for microdosing. Once well chopped and dried can last for months in a cool place. (Veröffentlicht am 19.11.2022)
Great for waking around and seeing the city Kundenmeinung von marko
A friend and I took 10g each then went and spent 6 hours walking around town.
We were talking non-stop, went to a couple museums and had a really great time.
We didn't have any visuals while walking except for a clearer picture of everything, but staring at pictures in one of the museums was great, like looking at really good augmented reality.

If you dislike the taste of truffles you can eat them with peanuts or a strong cheese. MMS customer support edit: effect wise we recommend not taking them oily items (like peanuts or cheese) because this will keep the active ingredients too long in your stomach and will break down the psilocybin. If you want to hide the taste it is better you use cashew or walnuts. Even better would be with orange juice since when you consume orange juice and the truffles at the same time it will protect the psylocibin in your stomach. (do not drink orange juice after taking them because at that point it can stop/decrease the trip)

After 2 days of sitting in our fridge the rest of the opened truffles started to show signs of rot, so keep them in an airtight container and consume quickly. (Veröffentlicht am 27.10.2022)
Resistant Kundenmeinung von Marius
I didn't try them yet, but they do very well in the fridge after about 1month I think. I planning on taking them next week. All I want to say is that they look perfectly the same as they looked 1month ago and I'm happy about that (Veröffentlicht am 08.10.2022)
Best trip of my life and best support team ever found Kundenmeinung von Oscar

This is the best psychedelic experience my girlfriend and I ever had, i bought Atlantis and Tampanensis Truffles, i took Atlan. and she took Tamp.
We found ourselfes in a soft and bright world. Wood, houses and all things were breathing and we were full of positive thinkings. Amazing. I ordered more truffles ;)

GUYS! DON'T WORRY IF BAGS ARE INFLATED, IT'S NORMAL. I was scared about that but the support team helped me they said that truffles are living organism so is like they are breathing and they pump Co2 in the bag. Just think positive things and enjoy the trip!!! :D (Veröffentlicht am 18.08.2022)
Right and honest Kundenmeinung von Ranu.
I are ten g and i gas a deep meditacion state,easy mentale connections and peace.I Guess there Is a good intention behind tour work (Veröffentlicht am 20.04.2022)
Positive feedback Kundenmeinung von ASA
Took 2/3 of a bag in the woods. Slowly and gentle coming up (30 mins). Just perfect for a walk in the snow. Really connected with nature but not to the point of getting dragged into the microworld (like staring at patterns forever). I would suggest a whole bag to be sure to get some effects as some friends, heavier than me felt almost nothing. This company has provided me with a great customer service and tracing as Italian mail is not realible. Thank you from the heart. Bliss (Veröffentlicht am 10.01.2022)
Extremely loving and spiritual Kundenmeinung von Ruben
These truffles have a very wholesome and mild but certainly spiritual effect. A strong feminine presence held me and suffused me with love. The closed-eye visuals and 'way of the trip' were of the stereotypical truffle type, but with a particular loving flavour.

Me and my partner created a ceremonial setting and went in with prayer and song, and although she resisted and struggled her trip, I went in very smoothly and ecstatically. The bliss was beautiful, and I felt a strong at-oneness with Everything.

The pattterns were filled with material from my inner vision, and I thoroughly enjoyed the wholesome ride.

I took the full 15 grams within 30 minutes, and my partner about 11.

She liked her previous trip of giddy joyfulness with a lower dose more, and I, typically, the unspeakable Mystery of a higher dose. Though, this was just such a loving experience if I compare it to my previous 17gr dry mushroom journey. I may add that I liked this better;)

These truffles are definitely relatively 'mild' and, but as an experienced tripper, I found these extremely pleasant and blissful. I kept feeling what an amazing choice these Tampanensis were. I kept just feeling gratitude instead of grumpiness about the lack of an interstellar journey.

My head felt surprisingly clear and I was able to just stay with it, until I laid down, closed my eyes and went into all kinds of corners and recesses of my being to explore. I was steady and loving throughout, and could notice and stop myself spinning in an unwholesome direction. My partner, not so much. She has done a light 4gr Atlantis trip before this, and resisted and suffered now.

Afterwards, we got some beautiful healing moments, as we discussed her resistance, and we got raw and vulnerable. Note that this only came up after the visuals and trip had climaxed and we got back to normal.

I recommend these underrated gems to anyone looking for a fun trip: beginners yes, psychonauts yes. They're just so fun and loving.

So, to any who want a loving and wholesome experience with the Great Mystery, in a way that feels accesible and safe, go ahead and enjoy the Tampanensis.

I cannot yet properly compare these but the Tampanensis seem partcularly spiritual. (Veröffentlicht am 29.12.2021)
Really fun Kundenmeinung von Lukáš
Had half of this with friend and it was the most fun trip I ever had (Veröffentlicht am 12.10.2021)
Hele plezierige ervaring Kundenmeinung von Christa
De dosering is prima, het is wellicht niet de allersterkste truffel, qua visuele ervaring, maar ik kreeg toch het gewenste gevoel van eenheid met al wat leeft, een met onze natuur (Veröffentlicht am 23.06.2021)

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Wichtige Informationen über Tampanensis Magische Trüffel - 15 Gramm

  • Um diese Produkte bestellen zu können, musst du mindestens 18 jahre alt sein.
  • Diese Produkte werden nur in ausgewählte europäische Länder versandt.
  • Der Konsum dieser Produkte erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr. Informier dich daher vorab gut über die Anwendungs- und Wirkungsweise.
  • Die angegebenen Preise enthalten noch keine Versandkosten enthalten
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