B+ Kit XL de culture de champignons hallucinogènes GetMagic
The B+ variety is well-liked by both cultivators and consumers due to its potency, simplicity in cultivation, and adaptability.
The GetMagic package includes 2100ml of pre-colonized substrate that is ready for you to cultivate your own B+ mushrooms. Setting it up is a breeze, and you can expect multiple harvests with a high yield!
The B+ strain is renowned for producing large mushrooms. These mushrooms are robust and powerful, offering a delightful and intense psychedelic experience.
Disponibilité: En stock
B+ mushrooms are highly sought after for a variety of reasons.
- One of their main appeals is their potency, as they contain a significant amount of psilocybin
- Additionally, these mushrooms are known for their impressive yield, meaning they can produce a large number of mushrooms per growth cycle.
- This makes them a popular choice among beginner cultivators, as they are relatively easy to grow.
- Another advantage of B+ mushrooms is their robustness. They have the ability to thrive in various temperature and humidity levels, making them adaptable and resilient. This makes them a reliable option for growers in different climates.
Strain information
Origin: Unknown, likely USA
Cap: 20-50 mm, Brow (yellow) brown when the mushroom matures,
Stem: 40 -125 mm, medium ot large in size, bruises green blue when touched
Spores: Dark purple brown, 11.5–17 x 8–11 µm, subellipsoid, basidia 4-spored
Substrate: PF Tek and BRF, Rye grain, Straw and Dung
Be sensible
Check out the responsible use page for more information on do’s and don’ts.
UGS | MCS.GKMYC.001-BPLU-2100 |
Poids (KG) | 2.0000 |
Souche | B+ |
Type de Grow Kit | GetMagic |
Difficulté | Facile |
Taille | Extra Large |
Espèce | Psilocybe cubensis |
Origine | Pays Bas |
Puissance | Moyenne / Haute |
Température de culture optimale | 24ºC |
Rendement (-) | 200 grammes |
Rendement (+) | 800 grammes |
Pulvérisation d'eau nécessaire | Oui |
Commentaires des clients
6 article(s)
- Easy to grow Commentaire par Janis
Classement - The best thing that happened to me since I can remember Commentaire par Thiago
The kit worked as intended, we took proper care during the growth period, and were able to harvest a good quantity after 20+ days.
It seems my wife have some sort of resistance for now, and it had just a mild effect on her. On myself, it was a very different story, as using this mushroom completely changed the way I see the world and my own life, not to mention that the day I used it, I had the most powerful experience of my life.
We want to try again with her, and I definitely gonna further my experience with it.
Very grateful for the team that provided this wonderful experience.
I will not go into more detail, because this might get too big, but I higly recommend it.
The delivery was on time, and the customer service is the best ever.
(Posté le 23/06/2023) - Buenísima Commentaire par Samantha
Classement - third Commentaire par Roberta
Classement - Fast shipping and good first flush Commentaire par floffy
Classement - probably the best so far Commentaire par jack
this is my honest opinion and I'm not going to get paid for this or use promocode, I can even pay more for kits as good as GetMagic™
please;-P (Posté le 23/12/2022)
6 article(s)
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Informations importantes Kit de culture de champi hallucinogènes B+ XL Getmagic
- L'achat de ce produit est réservé aux personnes âgées d'au moins 18 ans.
- En initiant un achat, vous confirmez la connaissance et le respect des conditions légales relatives au(x) produit(s) dans votre pays de résidence, ainsi que votre éligibilité à les acquérir et à les détenir.
- Des restrictions d'expédition s'appliquent à ce produit. Reportez-vous à la rubrique Informations complémentaires pour connaître nos zones de non-livraison.
- La consommation de champignons magiques relève de votre seule responsabilité. Veillez donc à bien vous informer sur leur utilisation et les effets qui en découlent.