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Mushrooms Shop monthly curated psychedelic news digest 1.25

Posted under: Latest News, News and Science

Once a month The Magic Mushrooms Shop brings you a brief ‘’News Digest’’ of what we feel are some of the most interesting articles related to psychedelics, the inner self (meditation and mindfulness), and anything we find ‘’trippy’’.  Here are our 5 selections for February, enjoy!


This week:


If you find any interesting News you want to share with us, feel free to share it with through a Facebook Private Message.


Let’s get started!


The 6 S's of LSD Use





This article on The Third Wave is an adaptation of The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide by Jim Fadiman.  Normand Zinberg talked about Set and Setting, 2 S's that if taken into consideration can positively affect you psychedelic experience.

But did you know about the 4 other S's?  Substance, sitter, session, and situation?  These are not as fundamental as the first 2 S's but nevertheless, they will still affect the nature and value of your psychedelic experience.

Dive into the description of each S and why you must keep them in mind to trip safe and positively. 

Read the original story here


5 minutes of Terence Mckenna's lecture at the Esalen Institute about the psychedelic experience and it's central role in understanding the human experience.




Terence McKenna talks about how to find ''The Real Thing'' in regards to your spiritual quest and knowing who you are and the central role of the ''The Psychedelic Experience'' to understanding your humanness,  in the same way having sex, or having a child, responsibilities and having hopes and dreams are, but the hallucinogens that give you a sense of unity with yourself and fellow man and nature are forbidden. 

Worth listening to.


Watch the video here.


Recommended Reads: ''Who Am I? Yoga, Psychedelics & the Quest for Enlightenment by Allowah Lani




Who am I?'' is a personal narrative that blends with the exploration of various aspects of psychedelic drugs and yoga, a personal quest for enlightenment.   It is a book about searching for one's own identity. 

What makes this book particular is that the author, Allowah Lani has many years of yogic spirituality and practice under his belt.   Lani has been a student of philosophy and world spirituality since his early teens, and a student of Yoga for the past 20 years.

Who Am I records the uneasy intersection between certain interpretations of Eastern spiritual practices and drugs and Lani tells us about his own transformative experiences through his engagement with psychedelic drugs.  He offers different perspectives of the use of psychedelics in conjunction with the practice of yoga. 

If you are caught up in similar struggles between different types of spiritual traditions will find this book useful 

Read the original story here


How Magic Mushrooms Could Treat Depression From An Entirely New Angle



Ther is yet more evidence that the use of psychedelic drugs can treat depression. 

The latest study is sponsored by the Imperial College London and if found that psilocybin may open an entirely new door to treating depression, that is by allowing deeply entrenched beliefs to become changeable. 

This is quite a breakthrough because beliefs and attitudes do not change much during life.  Those who participated in the study only took psilocybin twice and they were able to detach themselves from certain entrenched beliefs. 

This was a small study that will need more research and tests, but it is quite interesting. 


Read the original story here

F*uck Valentine's Day: A Single's Guide to Surviving the Holiday. 



Are you single and already predicting the discomfort that can come from Valentine's day when you are single?  Can already imagine the annoyingly gooey social media posts about the best boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife?  This article from the Elephant Journal is for you! 

The Single Guy or Gal's Guide to Surviving the Holiday is born!. 

Read the original story here


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